Orphan Child Gave Birth At Nazareth House In New Zealand

Child Welfare Act 1925 and Amended Act 1927 - 10
Child Welfare Act 1925 and Amended Act 1927 - 9
Child Welfare Act 1925 and Amendments Act 1927 - 8
Child Welfare Act 1925 and Amended Act 1927 - 7
Child Welfare Act 1925 and Amended Act 1927 - 6
Child Welfare Act 1925 and Amended Act 1927 - 5
Child Welfare Act 1925 and Amended Act 1927 - 4
Child Welfare Act 1925 and Amended Act 1927 - 3
Child Welfare Act 1925 and Amended Act 1927 - 2
Child Welfare Act 1925 and Amended Act 1927 - 1
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Orphan Child Gave Birth At Nazareth House In New Zealand
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Orphan Child Gave Birth At Nazareth House In
New Zealand
I have the right and need to express my conscience opinion

 On September the 20th 1941 young Dorothy (Dora) Carmine must have wondered what was happening to her body before she realized she had actually given birth to me her illegitimate son.


 Dorothy (Dora) had been in the care of the Sisters at Nazareth House in Brougham Street ChristChurch New Zealand since the 5th of January 1935 she was just nine years eleven moths.

 Unfortunately her cherished mother had died in the June of 1934 one of six children about which it seems their father had battled to care for his family amidst hard economic times and by early January of 1935 he had made the tough decision to place three of his daughters into the care of the Sisters at Nazareth House.

 At a later time it seems the families father became Hospitalized with Tuberculosis and subsequently died on the 15th of September 1940.

 Ironically approximately three months to the date of her father’s death somehow someone subjected the now Orphaned Dorothy (Dora) Carmine to the unlawful act of Carnal Knowledge of which I am the product.

 It seems the Police were not informed in accordance with the requirements of the then Child Welfare Act 1925 and it’s amendments of 1927 Catholic Orphanages are mentioned in this Act kindly furnished to me by the C.Y.F.S. Government Solicitor which clearly shows a person in charge of an Orphanage had the same powers as the then Superintendent of the then Child Welfare had over children in State care

 The Act also ratifies young persons were classified as children until reaching seventeen years of age Dorothy (Dora) Carmine’s date of birth was 25th January 1925 she was born at Millerton on the West Coast of the South Island.

 It has been said by former residents Dorothy (Dora’s) job was slaving long hours in the kitchen at Nazareth House it seems even in the state of pregnancy

 Immediately following my birth my young mother and I would have been whisked out of there as quickly as possible and according to a Child Welfare C.W. – 20 document, it seems we were admitted to the Louisham Catholic Hospital in the city from where twelve days later my young mother parted company from me  her destination was the Mt Magdala Catholic Girls Home 

  My mother was soon introduced to Mrs White  who according to the surviving members of the White family it seems that in 1941 whilst visiting her mother in law Katherine Margaret White who at the time was receiving respite care at Nazareth House it seems Mrs White had been solicited by the Sister in charge at Nazareth House to Foster me the illegitimate Product of Sexual Abuse for them.      

It seems when visiting her mother in law the first port of call for Mrs White was the Office of the Sister in charge where it seems Mrs White was treated with Tea Cakes and Sandwiches while she learnt they were embarrassed because I belonged to one of their resident girls and if a placement wasn't found I would be admitted to St Josephs Orphanage.

 The moment Mrs White agreed to do thisfor Nazareth House the Child Welfare on the 10th November 1941 issued Mrs White with a License to Foster no more than two infants under the age of (6) six years. 

 In the view of many it seems those Nuns running Nazareth House in ChristChurch in 1941 had no regard for the fact that hard economic times existed and the White’s were struggling to educate their two younger children who were ten and twelve years of age their eldest son was fighting the second world war and their next son was operating the  N.Z. Army Radar Station at Godley Heads.     








Behind the Gothic facade of
 Nazareth House,
New Zealand
were the impressive stairways,
long corridors,
former classrooms,
dozens of dormitories.
The first three stages of construction
was completed in 1908
and used by the Sisters of Nazareth
as an orphanage
for unwanted parent less babies
and children 
A refuge for homeless people,
the elderly,
ladies and men.
Much of the interior was spartan
and sunless
and belied the lively facade
which faced
Brougham Street.
Long ago declared impracticable
and beyond maintenance
as a home
for the elderly people
 and children.
The building is now being demolished.
Most of the building's materials,
including the bricks, slats, stones, ironwork
and interior fittings,
are being salvaged by demolishers
for sale
and also some to be used for the new
Nazareth House
which will be used for the elderly
Men and women
also for the
retired priest and nuns.
It is also used for a refuge
for the priest and nuns
who  sexual abused and abused
children who were living in their care
years ago. 
The new building was completed in 1987
and is at the rear of the
Brougham Street section.
The Chapel, at the west end of
the old building,
is being retained
and it still looks the same as above.


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