I have a right and a need to express my conscience opinion
Since electronically communicating with Monseigneur D.Price I have
been furnished with Catholic Canon Law which seems to indicate Monseigneur D. Price who may
have inadvertantly provided a mistaken answer in his e-mail dated
Friday 5th September 2003 "Quote"The matters raised In my opinion - do now relate to Canon Law"End Quote"
The authenticated Canon Law provided by a
Doctorate of Canon Law seems to ratify that Catholic Canon Law was codified in
1917 when it was officially published and put into force.
The revision process of the Catholic Canon Law seems to have taken place
over a fifteen year period 1968 - 1983.
There are indications that suggest occurrances events and actions prior to
28 November 1983 are considered or evaluated under the 1917 terms of Catholic
Canon Law
If I have been misinformed I would appreciate Canonical ratification of
such with the relevant authenticated documentation.