I have the right and need to express my conscience
In my view it is incomprehensible how someone then in the employ
of the then Social Welfare Department's adoption section
in ChristChurch in 1987 had any ratification that this seemingly partial Healt
Note actually belongs to me should this
be a fact where is the ratification? and why has it not been furnished to me? However comparatively new information indicates that perhaps my Orphaned mother Dorothy (Dora) Carmine may have possibly
had (2) two of us both boys AS IN TWINS?
This matter arose in mid 2003 it was voulinteered by a reliable former resident of Nazareth House who alleges to be a fact that one
of her sisters upon discharge from Nazareth House in ChristChurch New Zealand obtained a position as a govenoress to a lady residing perhaps in the Riccarton area? It is thought the ladies surname was prefixed with McE whose
husband was at the Second World War.
The govenoress allegedly assisting with the care of this baby boy
frequently brought him to visit persons residing at Nazareth House and who were
working in the Nursery there and it has been alleged those persons frequently remarked how well this baby resembled his (my) mother Dorothy
(Dora) Carmine It seems visits were still occurring at least when this
baby boy had started walking.
It therefore seems perhaps not only the then govenorness was knowledgeable
as to the identity of this childs mother. It has been alleged this child did
not permanantly remain in that thought to be McE house in Riccarton? and was then passed to someone elses care.
It had originally been thought that I was that then child?
Not so according to the Foster Licence for Mrs White dated the
10th of November 1941 and the surviving members of that family.
If anyone reading this can provide further information do not
hesitate to communicate with me either by:
Or by letter to: Peter Carmine - White
12 Portchester Street
ChristChurch 8007
New Zealand